Gaelscoil Uí Fhiaich
Gaelscoil Uí Fhiaich

Find Gaelscoil Uí FhiaichBóthar Chill Droichid, Maigh Nuad, Co. Chill Dara, W23 T207 Gaelscoil Uí Fhiaich Roll NumberUimhir Rolla: 20058T

Call Gaelscoil Uí Fhiaich01 629 0667

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Rolla: 20058T


Club Maidine
Morning Club

Students playing ant Club Maidine Morning Club

Ag an Club Maidine, bíonn deis ag na páistí dathú, léamh agus cluichí boird a imirt. Bíonn sé seo an-áisiúil do thuismitheoirí atá ag obair go luath ar maidin.

Is í Debbie Fealy a eagraíonn an Club Maidine.
Chun chur in áirithe, labhair le: Debbie ar 087 715 6120

The Morning Club runs Monday to Friday from 7:45am – 8:45am. This club is open to all pupils of the school.

At Morning Club children will partake in activities such as colouring, reading, board games and more. This Club is especially convenient for parents / guardians who have an early start at work.

Debbie Fealy organises the Morning Club.
If you would like to book in please contact: Debbie at 087 715 6120