Beidh duaisanna an-speisialta san Lotto ar an 30ú Bealtaine. Déan cinnte go bhfuil ticéad agat chun seans a bhuachan!
There will be some very special prizes in the Lotto on 30th May. Make sure you have a ticket for a chance to win!
Beidh duaisanna an-speisialta san Lotto ar an 30ú Bealtaine. Déan cinnte go bhfuil ticéad agat chun seans a bhuachan!
There will be some very special prizes in the Lotto on 30th May. Make sure you have a ticket for a chance to win!
Ádh mór le na páistí Rang 2 atá ag déanamh an Chéad Chomaoineach go luath. Táimid iontach bródúil asaibh. Bíodh lá álainn agaibh!
The best of luck to the children of Rang 2 who will make their First Holy Communion soon. We are very proud of you. Have a wonderful day!
Ná déan dearmad clárú le Aladdin Connect. Má tá fadhb ar bith agaibh le clárú, tar i dteangbháil linn san oifig.
Don’t forget to register for Aladdin Connect. If you have any issues with registration, don’t hesitate to contact the office.
Curifimid fáitle roimh Seantuismitheoirí ar an 6ú Meitheamh.
We will welcome Grandparents on 6th June.
Beidh an scoil dúnta le haghaidh lá saoire ar an 4ú Meitheamh.
The school will be closed for a holiday on 4th June.
Beidh an scoil dúnta don lá inseirbhíse matamatice ar an 28ú Bealtaine.
The school will be closed for maths in-service day on 28th May.
Beidh an Chéad Chomaoineach ar an 24ú Bealtaine.
The First Holy Communion will take place on 24th May.