Beidh an scoil dúnta do laethanta saoire na Cásca ón Luan 25ú Márta go dtí an Aoine 5ú Aibreán.
The school will be closed for the Easter Holidays from Monday 25th March until Friday 5th April.
Beidh an scoil dúnta do laethanta saoire na Cásca ón Luan 25ú Márta go dtí an Aoine 5ú Aibreán.
The school will be closed for the Easter Holidays from Monday 25th March until Friday 5th April.
Beidh an scoil dúnta do lá saoire bainc Lá Fhéile Pádraig ar an Luan 18ú Márta.
The school will be closed for the St Patrick’s Day bank holiday on Monday 18th March.
Beidh an scoil dúnta don Sos Lár Téarma ón Déardaoin 15ú Feabhra go dtí an Aoine 16ú Feabhra.
The school will be closed for the Mid-Term Break from Thursday 15th February until Friday 16th February.
Beidh an scoil dúnta don lá saoire bainc ar an Luan 5ú Feabhra.
The school will be closed for the bank holiday on Monday 5th February.
Dúnfaidh an scoil ar an Aoine 22ú Nollaig ag 12.00 / 12.30pm do laethanta saoire na Nollag.
The school will close on Friday 22nd December at 12.00 / 12.30pm for Christmas holidays.